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Centipede control West Palm Beach

How To Keep Centipedes Out Of Your West Palm Beach Home

The more abnormal something is, the creepier it seems. In the case of the centipede, this long pest’s multiple crooked legs, odd coloration, and snake-like body make it one of the creepiest pests in the world. If you agree and are looking for a way to keep these pests out of your West Palm Beach home, here are a few helpful tips to consider.

What Centipedes Look Like 

There are an estimated 8,000 species of centipede around the world, most of which have not been closely studied or thoroughly documented. Thankfully, we do not have this large of a variety here in West Palm Beach, but rather only two species that commonly invade homes. Here is a basic description of each:

  • House Centipedes: A house centipede is 1-1 ½ inches in length, has 15 pairs of legs, a long, flat, yellowish-brown body, and dark stripes on its legs and center mass.
  • Florida Blue Centipedes: The Florida blue centipede grows to be about three inches in length, is bluish-grey, and has distinguished pincher-like fangs and two long antennae.

Where You Are Likely To Encounter Centipedes

Centipedes are found across North America and prefer living in moist protected areas such as under stones, leaves, or logs. When the weather outside becomes unfavorable, these pests look for ways to get indoors. Inside homes, you are most likely to find centipedes around basements, crawlspaces, and other humid areas. 

Are Centipedes Dangerous

House centipedes, the most common species of home-invading centipedes in West Palm Beach, are not dangerous to humans. Although capable of biting, this pest’s venom is not enough to cause serious harm.

Florida blue centipedes, on the other hand, have a venom that hurts about as much as a bee sting when injected into the skin. If you are allergic to the venom, a bite from this pest could be considerably more dangerous.

Prevention Tips For Centipedes

Centipedes invade homes to escape unfavorable weather outdoors and also to hunt for other pests. To reduce your home’s chances of a centipede infestation, use these helpful prevention tips:

  • Mow your grass weekly and trim bushes and branches away from your home’s exterior.
  • Eliminate clutter and organic debris such as leaf piles, sticks, and fallen foliage from around your property.
  • Find and seal openings in your home’s exterior foundation using a caulking gun.
  • Make sure your home’s weatherstripping, door sweeps, and window/door screens are in good working condition.
  • Repair damage to shingles, siding, and your chimney.
  • Eliminate sources of water build up around your property.
  • Check your gutter. Make sure they are clear and working properly.
  • Use a dehumidifier in your home around humid areas such as basements, crawl spaces, and kitchens.
  • Turn off exterior lights at night or invest in insect-resistant lightbulbs. 

How The Professionals Handle Centipedes

At Native Pest Management, we believe in integrated pest management strategies. We don’t just apply treatments and leave. We monitor your home’s pest problems and use a combination of common-sense practices to ensure pests as centipedes stay away. All of our services are tailor-made to fit the needs of each home and property we service.

Give our team a call today or reach out through our website to discuss possible service options for your property and find a solution that best handles your centipede problems.