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the native pest management team

Native Pest Management FAQs

Here are some pest control FAQs from Native Pest Management.

Are your products safe for pets?

Yep! All of the products we use are registered with the EPA and are labeled as pet safe once dry. 

What do I do with my pets during treatment?

For a regular pest control service, we just recommend keeping them in an area like a bedroom during treatment. Our technicians focus on areas pests come from like the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the exterior of your home.

How long do my pets have to stay inside after your treatment?

The product labels advise that pets should stay off treated areas until the area is dry. To be safe, we recommend waiting until two hours after treatment is completed.

Do you require contracts?

To comply with Florida Department of Agriculture requirements, we have all of our customers sign service agreements, even for a one-time service. This is also just so everyone is on the same page about the price and the type of pests covered.

Why was my card charged when you didn’t perform service this month?

All of our recurring pest services are billed at a low monthly rate. This keeps you under warranty so if you have any pest issues between regularly scheduled services, we will provide a follow-up treatment at no charge.