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The Most Important Pest Control Services in Wellington, FL

Pest control near me in Wellington, FL

September 01, 2022

Florida is a great place to live thanks to the wonderful year-round sun and warmth. However, us humans aren’t the only ones who love it here!

Several different types of pests also call this area their home, and too often they try to make your home theirs. 

While the common pests in Wellington, FL vary from season to season, it’s a good idea to get on a preventative pest control plan that covers different services. 

The good news is that there’s a wide range of pest services available in this area! Native Pest Management has tons of options for the pest you’re dealing with. 

Here’s your definitive guide to some of the most important pest control services in Wellington:

Ant Control in Wellington

Living in such a warm, beautiful place year-round means lots of spending time outside, lots of forgetting to close the door, and lots of letting all the ants in. 

Ants often enter your home in search of food, which makes the kitchen a commonplace to find them. The last thing you want is to battle ants on your kitchen counters! 

The first thing you should do is focus on prevention. Keeping the small ants out of your home is much easier than trying to remove them after they get in. 

How can you keep ants out? Seal and store all food, cleaning up spills, crumbs, and dishes as soon as possible. 

The less food left out and available, the less likely ants will come searching for it. Additionally, you should address any water leaks and secure the entry points of your home. 

Prevention is important because ants in Wellington are so persistent.

Here at Native Pest Management, we offer comprehensive ant control services. We identify the type of ants you’re dealing with, so we can use the most effective extermination methods possible. You can count on our team for fire ant treatments including:

  • Broadcast baits
  • Mound treatment
  • Barrier and spot treatments
  • Regular ant prevention
  • Non-repellant sprays 

For regular house ants like sugar ants, ghost ants, and pavement ants we use non-repellant sprays as opposed to repellant sprays because while repellants kill on contact, this will lead to the colonies splitting, forming new queens, and multiplying even faster. 

While you can also purchase baiting kits, typically the kits you’ll buy at the store don’t have an ingredient strong enough to get rid of the tiny ants in your home. 

We use a strong ingredient in our baits that takes time to kick in. Ants will catch it and decide to spread it to the other ants until it reaches the queen. 

By then, the bait will kick in and eliminate the entire colony. 

The other upside to professional ant control is that we’ll also get rid of the insects that bring ants to your home. Lawn and ornamental pests like scale insects, whiteflies and aphids produce ants’ favorite food: honeydew (not the fruit). 

By eliminating these insects, the ants will be less attracted to your home. And you won’t have to worry about the lawn pests causing issues on your plants! 

If you want to learn all about our ant control plans, read about it on our website or give us a call! We provide free quotes to all of our customers. 

Whitefly Control in Wellington

The palm trees and ficus hedges are prime areas for whiteflies in Wellington to thrive in. Whiteflies feed on these plants, quickly damaging them. 

Summer is when these frustrating bugs thrive, and when you can see their damage litter your yard. The good news is that most plants can recover after the whiteflies are removed. 

The bad news is that they can be hard to deal with on your own. It’s difficult to find accessible ways to remove these insects without further damaging your plants. 

Professional whitefly control in Wellington, FL is the most effective way to get rid of whiteflies and save your plants. Our knowledgeable team at Native Pest Management provides guaranteed whitefly control by applying our treatments to the roots of your plants. 

The treatment is 100% safe for plants and will get rid of whiteflies for good. So if you’re ready to talk about setting up a whitefly treatment plan, we’d love to talk to you! 

Mosquito Control in Wellington

It’s no wonder that mosquitos are a bother in Wellington, especially during the summer months. They lay their eggs in standing water, including puddles, ponds, and more. (So if you plan to visit Peaceful Waters Sanctuary or a similar place, make sure to apply mosquito repellent!) 

Not only is their buzzing a nuisance, but also their stings can drive you crazy! Definitely not fun to deal with. 

These pests can ruin any barbeque, and will often make their way inside in search of animals and people to bite. Mosquito zappers and repellents rarely eradicate the issue. 

If you try to get rid of them on your own, you’ll face a long summer of hunting down these annoying pests. But you can enjoy your summer and free your home of mosquitos with professional mosquito control. 

We offer several mosquito control options to stay ahead of infestations and keep these pests outside your home and off your yard. Turn to us for pet friendly mosquito control so you can relax and have nothing to worry about. 

Call us today to set up your first mosquito treatment with us! 

Termite control in Wellington, FL

Termite Control in Wellington

Termites are another year-round nuisance in Florida. Every day we get calls from potential customers from Wellington, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, and areas all around Palm Beach County about termites.

They can cause serious structural damage to your property, but you may not notice them until you’ve got lot’s of ‘em. The most common termites we get calls about are subterranean termites, which need humidity to survive. 

Subterranean termites and flying termites are also common in Wellington, FL. Termites with wings are most common in the summer and can be a true hassle to get rid of. 

No matter what kind of termites you’re dealing with, we can help you with our professional termite control. We’ll inspect your property for termites and determine the best treatment solution for your property. 

There are all kinds of options for termite control, so if you want to talk to an actual person to go through them all, give us a call! 

Flea control for cats in Wellington, FL

Flea Control in Wellington

Fleas are a year-round nuisance here in Florida. Their food source is the blood of humans and pets, so they seek out our homes at all times. 

One tell-tale sign you’re dealing with fleas is if your pet is constantly itchy. You may even see small flea bites on the skin. 

Not only are the bites annoying, but they can also lead to complications. While most bites are minor, some can cause irritation. 

Fleas can also transmit infections and tapeworms. They’re also not the easiest pets to get rid of with DIY methods. 

While you should certainly do a thorough vacuuming and wash all of your fabrics, it’s nearly impossible to get every flea this way. Leaving just a couple behind can help the infestation. 

Professional flea control is the best way to turn to us for professional flea control in Wellington.  We’ll inspect every corner of your home to assess your flea issue. 

Then, we perform sustainable, pet friendly flea extermination to get rid of all fleas. Finally, we follow up regularly to apply flea prevention treatments that help keep them away! 

Call us today so we can tell you all about our expert flea control treatments in Wellington! 

Preventative Pest Control in Wellington

You certainly need pest control services to deal with infestations when they happen. Reactive pest control is about dealing with the problem after it arises, as an emergency intervention. 

While you certainly need a pest control company for these services, another key form of pest control in Wellington, FL is preventative pest control. Preventative pest control is about staying ahead of infestations with regularly-scheduled treatments. 

Our expert technicians assess your property and previous pest history to determine the most effective pest prevention treatments for your home. 

Preventative pest control helps you stay ahead of infestations, which prevents pest problems and stops them before they become major. Overall, it’s a more cost-effective solution that will keep your home pest-free and will save you money and hassle. 

Pet Friendly Pest Control in Wellington

Quality pest control is all about keeping your family safe, and this includes your pets.

For this reason, it’s good to seek out pest control companies that offer pet friendly options. For pet friendly pest control in Wellington, FL, choose Native Pest Management. 

We make sure that all treatments are safe for your family and pets. We use best practices to safely apply the treatment as well. Nothing is more important to us than your health!   

Eco-Friendly Pest Control in Wellington 

Our products aren’t just safe for humans and pets, they’re also safe for the environment! We make our planet a priority by using products that won’t harm the air, the plants in your yard, or the Wellington community. 

As a local company, we care about the people and places local to us. Call us today to learn more about our eco-friendly methods!

How to Find a Pest Control Company in Wellington

When considering a pest service company, you should balance quality and value. While it’s tempting to price shop and go with the lowest one, price doesn’t always equal value. 

Instead of focusing just on the price, consider the value the company offers. Quality matters when it comes to pest services. 

You want a company that brings knowledge and experience, high-quality materials, and well-trained workers to the table. 

Choose a company that’s as committed to its employees as its customers. Employees that are compensated well and treated fairly will likewise bring the best service. 

Pest Control Near Me in Wellington

Look no further than our committed team here at Native Pest Management for pest control services you can count on. 

Our Florida-based team at Native Pest Management is here to help with all of your pest control needs. Our dedicated team has years of experience with a wide range of pest management services. 

We are here to help you get rid of ants, termites, millipedes, whiteflies, rodents, and more. No matter what your pest removal needs are, you can count on our team to get the job done right. 

We provide pet friendly services to ensure that your entire family stays safe while we get rid of pests. Turn to us for preventative control to keep pests from ever invading your home in the first place. 

Our highly trained technicians have the expertise and dedication to help you achieve your pest-free home all year. 

So if you’re looking for pest control in Wellington, look here! But if you’re outside the area, we do pest control all over Palm Beach County

We also service in Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and up in Tallahassee. To see all of the areas we service, check out our service area page.

As a top-rated local pest control company, we are ready to get you a pest-free home now. Learn more about our pest control services by contacting us today!

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