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Best pest control company in Tallahassee

How to Choose the Best Fall Pest Control Company in Tallahassee

Happy fall! Time to prepare for Halloween and Thanksgiving with your family, visit the pumpkin patch at Tallahassee Heights United Methodist Church and buy lots and lots of candy and turkey! 

While Halloween may be the spookiest time of the year for its creepy costumes, fake spider webs, and dramatic thunder sounds, it’s also the time for spooky fall pests to come out of the dark, like spiders, ants, and termites. 

On top of that, fall in Tallahassee still looks quite a bit like summer with its hot temperatures and humid air. 

To combat the creepy crawlers, you’ll want to hire a pest control company - and not just any pest control company, you’ll want to find the best professional fall pest control company in Tallahassee. 

Pest prevention is crucial to reduce the threat of insects and rodents to you, your family, and your home. You can try to control pests on your own, but do-it-yourself methods are time-consuming and not the most effective approach for controlling infestations. 

They result in wasted time, energy, and money. Plus, your pest infestation will likely continue to grow in the meantime.

Professional pest control services can eliminate and prevent mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, and more from taking up space in your home. 

So here are our best tips for choosing the best fall pest control company in Tallahassee!

Pest Control Services in Tallahassee, FL

Which pest control treatments in Tallahassee do you need? Before you hire a pest control company, it’s important to know whether they can get rid of the most common fall pests in Tallahassee and FYI–at Native Pest Management, we service them all.

Fall Pests in Tallahassee

  • Sugar ants
  • Ghost ants (boo!!!) 
  • Argentine ants
  • Acrobat ants
  • Pharaoh ants
  • Pavement ants
  • Big-headed ants
  • White-footed ants
  • Spiders
  • Termites 
  • Fleas
  • Ticks
  • Rodents
  • American cockroaches
  • German cockroaches
  • Australian cockroaches
  • Brown-banded cockroaches

If you haven’t noticed any specific pest issues, then you could discuss preventative plans with a company. Remember that just because you don’t see any pests doesn’t mean none are present. 

Many insects and rodents, like termites or rats, can live within your walls. Their presence can mean they have been infesting your home for a longer time than you might think.

If you find termites in your home, there’s a good chance it’s time to look up termite control in Tallahassee, FL. If you’re finding visible termite damage or swarmers, it’s possible that the termites have been in your home for several years, and the damage could be more extensive than you think.

That's why a home inspection is so important for termite control and general pest control. Any company you consider should perform a complete inspection and create a customized pest control plan for you. 

If you have noticed specific issues, then tell the company you decide to choose so they can develop a plan to eliminate and prevent infestations.

And the key word here is plan–typically, pests don’t go away permanently without being consistent. That’s why our quarterly plans at Native Pest Management are beneficial.

By coming out to your home quarterly, we’ll be able to keep pests from returning to your home. On top of that, we offer a free follow-up guarantee.

If you’re unsatisfied with a service, we can provide a re-service at your home for free. 

If you’re ready to schedule a quarterly service with us, contact us today!

How To Find a Top Rated Pest Control Company

The first thing to know is that you don’t have to pick the first pest control company that shows up in your online search results. It’s good to take your time researching different companies so that when you hire one you know you’re getting the most for your money. 

Additionally, you should want the company to effectively and efficiently handle your pest control - expect the results that you’re looking for. 

What signs suggest a company that can best help you?

  • They’re pet friendly & eco-friendly.
  • Proper licensing and insurance.
  • Quality reviews.
  • Guarantees for service plans.
  • Honesty about safety measures.
  • Preventative services.

Licensed and Insured Pest Control Companies

A licensed company means it has the proper permits to conduct its business. It has government approval. Licensed pest control companies, should know the laws and regulations that govern their industry, including material and safety guidelines.

An insured company is financially protected from claims in the event of personal or home damage. Companies that are covered are typically those with decent to excellent track records of safety. Insurance carriers generally will not cover companies with histories of negligence.

You can search for license and insurance statuses online or request the information of the companies you are interested in employing.

Reviews for Top-Rated Pest Control Companies in Tallahassee

A company’s reputation is everything in business. Some companies live and die by their name. Customer reviews are critical to their success and should be weighed before choosing one company over another.

Check the company's website and social media as well as third-party review sites. Numerous websites allow users to commend and condemn the companies they have hired. 

You can check the Better Business Bureau, Google, Yelp, and more for reviews of pest control companies that provide service in Tallahassee.

It’s important to remember to read positive and negative reviews. Since anyone can post a review without actually hiring a company, you should try to get a wide picture of a company before deciding what to do next. 

Overall, you should look for an accredited business with regular reviews and a strong customer service reputation (hint, hint).

Native Pest Management has over 2000 reviews across Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, and NextDoor. Our 5-star reviews show that we prioritize our customers and value their pest control needs using our own set of core values. 

Pest Control Companies with Guarantees

Guarantees can protect consumers. If a customer is unhappy with a product or service, the company uses a guarantee to remedy the situation, whether it’s a refund or replacement. Regarding pest control, guarantees usually come in the form of free follow-up visits.

Make sure the company you’re interested in hiring puts their guarantee in writing. It’s easy to refute spoken words and handshakes. A printed document holds more assurance in the event of a service issue.

If a pest control company doesn’t guarantee its services, then what guarantee do you have that they’ll do what they say they will?

Ask Quests About Their Fall Pest Control Services

It’s common to have concerns about pest control products. Families often ask us if our products are safe for pets or their children. At Native Pest Management, we use pet friendly, eco-friendly products that are safe for anyone in your home. 

A company should always be transparent about the products they’re using and if they’re refusing to discuss the products, then it may be because they’re unsafe or illegitimate. Even if their services are cheap, a dishonest company is not a pest control company you want to hire. 

And even beyond their products, it’s a good idea to ask all the questions you have. If the company refuses to answer questions or discuss what they’re doing during service or over the phone, you may want to look elsewhere for pest control. 

But if the company is honest and willing to ensure you about the safety of their products and even discuss potential risks, that’s a pest control company you can trust. 

For example, if you need termite fumigation in Tallahassee, a good company won’t just tell you that you’ll have to leave your home with perishable items and medications sealed up for a few days–they’ll let you know why (because the products are only harmful during the service). 

Preventative Pest Control in Tallahassee

A quality pest control company won’t just get rid of the ants, cockroaches, spiders, rodents, and termites in your home–they’ll make sure they never return. At Native Pest Management, we do just that. We go after the source of the pests to prevent any future issues. 

For example, our ant control services don’t involve just killing ants. Even if we think we’ve killed every ant in your home, there would be more trailing behind outside to continue the infestation. 

This is because insects that are most likely on your trees and shrubs and possibly even your houseplants are attracting the ants. They produce a substance called honeydew that ants sense and love due to the sugar.

As long as these insects are around, ants will continue returning to your home. If we kill these insects, which include whiteflies, mealybugs and scale, the ants will be less drawn to your home. 

The source of your problem could also relate to the way you maintain your home, however. You might have ants in your home because of where you put your trash or a leaky pipe. 

Whatever your pest issue is, the best pest control company will keep looking for the source until they find it. 

children sitting on a bench in the fall

Fall Pest Control Near Me in Tallahassee

It’s important to have licensed, insured and ethical pest control if you want to properly protect your home. Native Pest Management offers guaranteed pest management services to help you confidently get ant, termites, rodents, spiders, and anything else that needs a reputable pest control company in Tallahassee. 

Since 2015, we have helped homeowners in Tallahassee and surrounding areas treat and control the many pests that bother them. We’re proud to provide pet friendly and eco-friendly preventative pest control in Tallahassee, FL. 

We have the reputation to back up our quality of services - we’ve earned over 3,000 on Google, Yelp, Facebook, Nextdoor, Angie's List, Thumbtack, and HomeAdvisor reviews praising our reliability and results.

Our services have also earned accolades from prestigious organizations. In 2021, we won the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics. We were rated among the highest-rated companies in Florida by Top Rated Local. We have also been mentioned on the Inc. 5000 List of the Fastest-Growing Private Companies for the past 2 years in a row. 

Not every company can give you comprehensive pest services backed by positive reviews and guarantees. When it comes to choosing a quality pest control company in Tallahassee, Native Pest Management is your best choice.

Areas We Service In Tallahassee:

  • Perkins
  • Levy Park
  • Midtown
  • College Town
  • Betton Hills
  • Chapel Ridge
  • Lakeview
  • Plantation Heights
  • Bradfordville
  • Frenchtown
  • Mabry Manor

We’re also known for our pest control services down south. In South Florida, we service Broward, Palm Beach, Miami-Dade, Martin, Indian River, and St. Lucie counties. 

If you’ve got big plans for Halloween and Thanksgiving and want pest control as a part of your fall preparation, Native Pest Management is a local company that can help you - whether you need us in a pinch or you’re looking for consistent services. 

Keep the real spiders out so you can make room for the sparkly purple plastic ones. Call Native Pest Management today if you want the best fall pest control in Tallahassee!