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A Step-By-Step Guide To Ant Control in West Palm Beach

There are over 10,000 species of ants in the world, and probably many more that we haven’t identified yet. In West Palm Beach alone, we’re exposed to dozens of ant species that we probably don’t know that much about.

Types of Ants in West Palm Beach 

Ghost Ants

  • 1.3-1.5mm in length
  • Translucent
  • Dark brown/blackheads with yellowish bodies
  • A nuisance in bathrooms and kitchens

Carpenter Ants

  • Destroy wet, decaying wood
  • Red/black
  • Up to ½ inch in length
  • Pose serious structural threats to your home

Pharaoh Ants

  • Infiltrate and contaminate sterile areas
  • Yellow/light brown; almost transparent looking
  • 1/16 inch in length
  • Chew holes in silk and nylon fabrics

Fire Ants

  • Known for their aggressive behavior
  • Copper/red/brown
  • Up to 3/16 inch in length
  • Give off a painful sting when threatened

Pavement Ants

  • Extremely territorial in their nesting areas
  • Build their colonies under the pavement
  • Light brown/black
  • Up to 1/8 inch in length
  • Attracted to honeydew and tend to contaminate food

Most ants, no matter the species, are considered nuisance pests. While some species are more dangerous and destructive than others, one thing that they all have in common is the fact that they’re certainly not welcome in our homes.

If you want to protect your home from ant activity, you need to be proactive in your prevention efforts. A good place to start is removing ant attractants.

Common Causes of Ant Infestations in West Palm Beach:

  • Damp wood sources
  • Dirty kitchen countertops
  • Excess moisture around the home
  • Leaky pipes and faucets
  • Pet food
  • Other readily available food sources
  • Sources of standing water
  • Sugary substances and spills
  • Improper trash storage

Once you’ve identified ant attractants around your home, it's time to get serious about your prevention methods. 

Ways to Prevent Ant Activity in West Palm Beach:

  • Eliminate access points by sealing all cracks and crevices around outside of the home.
  • Keep branches, trees, and bushes well-trimmed and directed away from the house.
  • Maintain a high level of cleanliness and practice proper sanitation throughout your house.
  • Repair any leaky pipes, faulty facets, and malfunctioning drains, gutters, and downspouts.
  • Take out the garbage often and keep it in a tightly sealed trash can outside with a lid.
  • Use a dehumidifier in moisture-rich areas of the house like basements, crawl spaces, and attics.

Ants are tiny, as we all know, they can fit into some of the smallest cracks and crevices to gain entry into your house. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to detect these areas. Ants can nest both outdoors and indoors, so the possible access points are endless.

Ants like to nest and hide eggs in moisture-rich areas, so inspecting the kitchen and bathrooms is usually a great place to start. Use a flashlight to search in the following areas where ants tend to hang out. 

Popular Ant Hiding Spots: 

  • Around floor drains
  • Behind wallpaper and around walls and floorboards
  • In and around utility and electrical boxes
  • In cracks and crevices of cabinets
  • In dirt mounds found around the yard
  • In piles of firewood
  • Inside motor areas of microwaves and refrigerators
  • Under or behind appliances like the stove, dishwasher, sink, etc.
  • Under piles of yard debris
  • Under the siding of the building

If you want to get crafty, you can try attracting ants with a small lid filled with peanut butter and honey. This will bring all the ants to one central location, and you’ll be able to follow the trails of where they’re coming from, effectively detecting their nesting spots and colony locations. 

fire ants swarming in West Palm Beach

Professional Ant Control in West Palm Beach

The best form of effective ant control and prevention is professional assistance. The team at Native Pest Management is highly experienced in the comprehensive inspection, identification, and elimination of ant infestations.

When you schedule your initial appointment, your technician will first complete a full inspection of your home, specifically in areas where ants are most often found. Then, once your technician finds the activity, they will be able to identify the ant species in your home.

Once the species has been identified, we will put together a custom ant control plan. This plan won’t just get rid of the ants in your home, it will also eliminate other household pests like cockroaches, spiders, silverfish, and more.

Call us today to get started with the highest-rated ant control in Florida!