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How To Get Rid Of Rats In Boca Raton, FL

You hear scuttling, spot strange brown pellets around your home, and see a flash of gray-brown fur: wait, was that a rat? If you’ve spotted the telltale signs of a rat infestation, acting quickly is important. Rats are known to breed rapidly and can easily take hostage in your home's warm, welcoming environment. And, as temperatures drop, the number of rat infestations grows.

Luckily, you can get rid of rats effectively with some knowledge and patience. Below, we discuss how to send rats packing once and for all — and when it’s time to call in professional pest control services.

Key Takeaways

  • Common signs of a rat infestation include gnawing marks, rat droppings, hearing or seeing rats, and damage to your belongings or home.
  • If you’re dealing with rats in your home, you’ll need a plan to remove existing rats and prevent new ones from showing up.
  • Sealing entry points, removing food sources, using rat deterrents, and installing rat traps can all help you tackle a rat problem.
  • If your attempts to manage the rats don’t work or your rat infestation worsens, it may be time to call pest control experts.

What Are the Signs of a Rat Infestation in Boca Raton, FL?

Common signs of a rat infestation include damage to your home, rat droppings or footprints, and, of course, spotting rats themselves. In Boca Raton, Florida, the most common rats you’ll encounter are Norway rats (also known as brown rats). Look for their gray-brown fur and long hairless tail.

Overall, noticing the signs of a rat problem early can help you intervene before things escalate. Let’s take a closer look.

Sounds And Smells

The easiest way to spot a rat infestation is through the sounds and smells they create indoors and outdoors. Rats may scurry around in your walls or closet. You might hear them scuttling, squeaking, or chirping, too. Likewise, their droppings may leave smells if piled up around your home.


Rats aren’t bad from just a health perspective. They can also wreak havoc on a home in a variety of ways. Keep your eyes peeled for damage to items in your home like:

  • Wires – Rats may chew up the wires in and around your home. This can be especially problematic for electrical wires, which may malfunction when damaged.
  • Books – Anything a rat can eat, it will. Books are no exception to that rule. They make for easy and abundant snacks. You might spot gnaw marks on book pages, binding, etc.
  • Furniture – Rats may burrow into cushions or the backing of couches. They can also gnaw on the wood.
  • Structural Damage – In extreme instances, the nests in the walls and the destruction of the rats can lead to structural damage. This is most commonly done to building materials like wood, drywall, or insulation.


Like any other animal, rats have to take care of their business regularly. But the piles of feces or droppings they leave behind can give away their presence. Check areas where rats commonly hide behind the stove, corners, and attic or basement for small, brown, pellet-shaped droppings. You might also spot droppings along the routes rats use to travel. They may also leave streaks along the walls as they walk. 


Rats will often leave behind a trail of footprints and tail prints. You may spot them in a dusty corner or counter. You can also test to see if you have rats by leaving a fine layer of powder (flour or baking soda) and checking it for markings in the morning. 

How to Get Rid of Rats in Boca Raton, FL

Once you’re sure you’re dealing with rats in your home, the next step is to implement some rat control strategies. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to deal with rats in Boca Raton, FL. You can set traps, prevent rats from entering in the first place, or use deterrents to send rats scurrying far from your home.

Seal Entry Points

If you can locate the rats' entry points, get to work on sealing them. After all, no rat removal effort will truly last if a new group of rats can simply re-enter whenever they wish!

Take a look at these common entry points and use an appropriate sealant to nip your rodent problem in the bud:

  • Cracks: Gaps in your home’s foundation, around windows, in a crawlspace, and in other parts of the home can act as open doors rats can use to seek entry. Fill any cracks with caulk or cement to ensure this can’t happen.
  • Vents: Uncovered vents may allow rats to find and follow attractants like food sources. Try blocking them with a cover to keep rats at bay.
  • Garages: Rats who scurry into your garage from outside or enter through cracks can easily sneak into your house. Metal kick plates can help you secure garage doors and ensure there’s no room for unwanted critters to squeeze in.
  • Roof Holes and Chimneys: Roof rats might use untreated holes or open chimneys to enter. Depending on the circumstances, a roof repair, caulking, or another solution should help you close off the problem area.

If you can’t locate the entry points for the rats, you can always rely on a pest management professional to find them for you.

Eliminate Food Sources

There’s one key resource that makes your home livable for rats: food. Take away the food and the risk of a huge rat infestation. Make sure there is a lid on your trash bins and keep all food put away, including pet food. Consider sealing pet food in an airtight container to close off all smells and entry points. 

The same goes for human food — ensure everything is tightly closed at all times. It’s also wise to keep your sink clean and make sure your pipes and drains are clear.

Limit Nesting Materials

Cleaning your property is a great way to prevent the spread of a rat infestation. Rats live anywhere they can find shelter; a messy or cluttered space lends itself to many hiding spots. Start treating your rat infestation by ensuring your home is clean and minimizing clutter as much as possible. Clean up trash, sweep up debris, and regularly wipe down surfaces for food residue.

Rat Trapping

The rat traps of today are far more effective than they have been in the past. You can choose from several kinds of rat traps based on your preferences and what’s available to you.

Which Rat Trap is Right for You?

Type of Trap



Snap Traps

  • No need to relocate the rat once it’s trapped

  • Quick and easy

  • Usually affordable

  • Traps may be reusable

  • No guarantee the snap will kill the rat – it may escape or be seriously injured

  • Can be dangerous for children and pets

Poison Bait Stations

  • Can spread rat poison to the entire nest

  • Doesn’t require catching and killing the rat

  • Can be harmful to children and pets

  • May take some time to effectively kill rats

Live Traps (Cages, Glue Traps, etc.)

  • Can be a humane option

  • Allows you to use simple bait like peanut butter or cheese

  • Requires relocation of the rat – you’ll need to set it free somewhere else

  • Rats may escape

Use Natural Deterrents

While rats pose health risks of their own, many rodenticides carry concerns, too. Fortunately, there are natural deterrents you can use that won’t threaten your family’s health and safety.

  • Peppermint Oil: The intense aroma that makes peppermint smell nice to humans can easily overpower rats. Their highly sensitive noses react strongly and negatively to peppermint’s fresh but powerful scent.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Capsaicin found in peppers can be highly irritating to rats, discouraging them from setting up shop in your home.
  • Black Pepper: Like cayenne pepper, black pepper sprinkled outside of rat entry points or burrowing spots can dissuade the pests from sticking around.
  • Cloves: The spiciness and strength of the smell of cloves help drive rats away from their hiding spots once and for all.

Health Risks Posed by Rats

Rodents are well known for their ability to quickly and easily spread many diseases, several of which can be serious. These diseases might spread through touching contaminated materials, being bitten or scratched by a rat, eating food contaminated by rodents, or even breathing contaminated air. Some examples of illnesses rats can carry include:

  • Hantavirus
  • Lassa Fever
  • Leptospirosis
  • Monkeypox
  • Rat-Bite Fever

Taking the health risks rats create seriously is crucial, especially because rats reproduce quickly. If the population in your home has gotten to the point where you are noticing them, the time to act is now. 

Professional Rodent Control in Boca Raton, FL

Nobody wants rats running around in their home. They can wreak havoc on belongings and health if the situation gets out of control. That’s why it’s important to work with someone knowledgeable about how to deal with the situation. 

Pest control management companies like Native Pest Management are experts in the field of dealing with issues just like this one. 

Our team of professionals is here to make sure that you can return to a pest-free life in no time. We will come out to your Boca Raton, FL property and assess any issue with rats and mice before providing you with the best solution to move forward. We will ensure that your home is free of rats and provide you with the tools necessary to keep them away for good, all while keeping your dogs and cats safe.

Now is the time for rodent control in Boca Raton, FL. Give us a call today at (888) 903-2304 or contact us online and start the process on a pest-free home! Request your free quote below.