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Do I Need Professional Cockroach Control?

Spotting a cockroach skittering through your home is never a pleasant sight. After the initial panic and disposal of said pest, you may be left thinking, "What now? Are there more hiding somewhere?"

There are many types of roaches that can make their way into your Fort Lauderdale home, and none of them are ideal. For example, German roaches are some of the most common perpetrators of roach infestations in our area. It's no secret that these insects are incredibly unpleasant (and unwelcome), which is why it's so important to address the pest problem as quickly as you can.

If you've recently seen a roach in your home and are wondering what to do next, we're here to help you determine what type of roach you're seeing, how to get rid of roaches, and when it's time to call a local roach control professional.

Types of Cockroaches in Fort Lauderdale

There are many types of roaches in Fort Lauderdale, but some are more common than others. In fact, from Florida to California the types of cockroaches we see most often are generally very similar. Here are the four most common types of cockroaches in Fort Lauderdale:

  • German Cockroaches: These roaches are tan or light brown, and grow up to ? of an inch long. They have two dark stripes that start behind their heads, making it easier to identify them. Like most roaches, they have wings, but they don't fly often.
  • American Cockroaches: Also known as palmetto bugs, this is the most common roach species in Florida. They can grow up to 2 ? inches long and have a reddish-brown color. They're identifiable by their size, the yellow figure-eight mark on their heads, and their tendency to fly.
  • Australian Cockroaches: These roaches are between 1 ? and 1 ½ inches long. They're often mistaken for smaller American roaches, but they can be distinguished by the yellow band around their heads.
  • Brown-Banded Cockroaches: Often confused with German cockroaches because of their small size and light-brown color. At around 1/2 an inch in length, brown-banded cockroaches are most distinguishable by the brown bands across their wings.

How to Prevent Cockroaches

Your first line of defense against any pest is prevention. Even if you're already dealing with roaches, it's in your best interest to try and prevent more from joining the party.

Tips for cockroach prevention:

  • Seal all entry points around your home. Roaches can fit through tiny cracks in your foundation or walls, as well as spaces around doors and windows. Use weather stripping and caulk, and repair any damaged screens.
  • Inspect items before bringing them inside. German roaches often make their way into homes hidden on deliveries or other items. Take a close look at packages, boxes, furniture, etc. before bringing them into your home.
  • Address any water problems. Roaches may enter your building in search of water, and American roaches are known to enter homes through plumbing. Handle any water issues around your home, like issues with faucets, pipes, downspouts, etc.
  • Clean your home regularly. Keep your home tidy and clutter-free to eliminate hiding spots and help keep these pests out. Take out the trash regularly and sweep up any messes as soon as possible.

Preventing roaches is important, but it's not easy. The truth is, that cockroach infestations are difficult to prevent, especially with how prevalent these pests are in Fort Lauderdale.

Furthermore, they're excellent at hiding, and they reproduce quickly. A roach infestation can sneak up on you even when you take all of the right prevention steps. Keep this in mind if you feel the urge to blame yourself for a roach problem.

How to Get Rid of Roaches in Fort Lauderdale

Trying to eliminate cockroaches yourself is difficult. However, many homeowners are understandably concerned about the issue and want to do everything they can.

Here are a few tips that may help:

How to Get Rid Of American Roaches

First, examine the extent of the roach problem: how many American roaches do you see per week? If you see them every day, then they may be in your sewer or septic system. On the other hand, if you see them less often, they may be entering from an exterior point.

The first step is to cut off the access points. Make sure all toilets and pipes are sealed. Look for exterior holes, cracks, and crevices to seal as well.

The next step is to use granular cockroach bait both inside and outside of your home, in the places roaches like to hide. Our experts at Native Pest Management recommend Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait.

How to Get Rid Of German Roaches

The approach to handling German cockroaches is a little bit different. German roaches prefer to live indoors, and granular bait doesn't work well on them.

Instead, the priority for a German roach infestation is sanitation. Deep clean your home, specifically addressing grease, food, and water. Try to vacuum up as many roaches as you come across along the way.

For German roaches, we recommend gel bait, especially Vendetta Plus. Apply pea-sized droplets in the cracks that these roaches hide and breed in. Using an Insect Growth Regulator is also extremely helpful, as it can help to break their life cycle and cut down their reproduction.

If the tips above aren't enough, then you can use a non-repellent spray like Alpine WSG. Don't spray it near bait or directly on the roaches. You want the roaches to bring these control products back to the others.

Cockroach Control in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Signs of a Cockroach Infestation

At-home treatments can help you get rid of some roaches, but it's not always the most effective solution. Simply put, roaches are very difficult to control on your own. Without expert intervention, the problem is likely to continue.

Even if you only spot one cockroach, you can't be sure more aren't lurking in the deep cracks and hidden crevices of your home. When you find one, there's a very likely chance that you have hundreds more hidden away.

Furthermore, roaches typically require a few treatments to eliminate. Doing this on your own is time-consuming and frustrating.

Here are the signs it's time to call a roach exterminator for help:

  • You see roaches in your home regularly.
  • Roach droppings appear around your home.
  • At-home treatments aren't working.
  • You smell a strong musky, oily odor.
  • You find roach egg casings. These are brown cylinders that hold 10-50 eggs.

If you spot any of the issues above, then we recommend you get in touch with a pest control technician for cockroach extermination for your home or business.

When it comes down to it, the most effective way to get rid of roaches is to call a pest control company. Experts have the necessary products and tools to handle roaches. They also bring a wealth of expertise to help you get rid of roaches once and for all.

Professional Pest Control in Fort Lauderdale

We understand the desire to protect your home and your family, which is why Native Pest Management is here to help with your pest control needs. If you're experiencing an issue with these pests, then it may be time to call an exterminator for professional roach control.

Our team at Native Pest Management uses the most effective, safe solutions for addressing all pests, including roaches. We're committed to helping homeowners in Fort Lauderdale and beyond with all of their pest control needs.

Our team is here to help with pet-safe, eco-friendly treatment as well as options for ongoing service. We won't let roaches, or any other pests, take over your home any longer.

To learn more about our roach control services, give us a call today!