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How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Fort Lauderdale

Dealing with pesky mosquitoes in Fort Lauderdale can be tough, but there are effective ways to keep them away. One way is to use misting systems, which can help reduce their numbers around your home.

Curious about professional mosquito control services? Keep reading to learn about the top methods for maintaining a mosquito-free environment year-round.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular cleaning of standing water in places like birdbaths and gutters is essential to prevent mosquito breeding.
  • Less outdoor lighting and a well-maintained yard help reduce mosquito activity.
  • Protective measures like wearing bug spray and long clothes are vital for avoiding mosquito bites.
  • Expert help from a pest control service can effectively manage mosquito problems.

How to Remove Mosquito Breeding Grounds on Your Property

mosquito larvae in dirty water

To reduce mosquito populations in South Florida, address places where mosquitoes breed.

Identify Standing Water Sources

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. So, it's crucial to pinpoint where water might be accumulating.

Birdbaths, gutters, flower pots and saucers, puddles and low-lying areas, and unused pools are sources of standing water.

Drain Standing Water

Once you identify sources of standing water, it's time to remove them. This disrupts the mosquito life cycle, preventing them from reaching adulthood and spreading.

To enjoy a more pest-free environment, take these steps to get rid of standing water:

  • Change water in bird baths every few days.
  • Remove leaves and debris to prevent water build-up in gutters.
  • Fill in low spots in the yard where water collects.
  • Store buckets, flower pots, and other containers upside down when unused.
  • Maintain proper chlorine levels and filtration to keep the water circulating.

How to Prevent Mosquito Activity Around Your Property

To keep mosquitoes away from your property in Ft Lauderdale, take proactive steps to reduce their presence near your home.

Cut Outdoor Lighting at Night

Mosquitoes are drawn to sources of different lights, especially at night. By minimizing outdoor lighting, you can reduce their attraction to your outdoor spaces.

This can help protect your loved ones from bites and potential diseases such as Zika virus, dengue fever, and West Nile virus.

Manage Vegetation

Managing your yard is crucial for reducing mosquito breeding and hiding spots. Tall grass, bushes, and other dense vegetation provide perfect habitats for mosquitoes to rest during the day.

By managing your yard, you can reduce the presence of mosquitoes and make outdoor spaces more enjoyable.

Use Personal Protection

In Fort Lauderdale, personal precautions are essential to protect yourself from bites. Here’s what you can do, especially during mosquito season.

Apply Insect Repellent

Applying insect repellent is one of the most effective ways to prevent bites. Products should be EPA-approved. These repellents must contain active ingredients like DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil.

When to Apply: Immediately before going outdoors, especially during peak mosquito activity at dawn and dusk.

Wear Protective Clothing

Wearing protective clothing can physically prevent mosquito bites. Consider light-colored long sleeves and long pants to provide a physical barrier and reduce skin exposure.

Consider Chemical Products

Chemical products can help control mosquitoes around the home and in the ecosystem. To reduce the chance of contracting mosquito-borne diseases, consider these types of products:

  • Larvicides: Applied to water sources to target mosquito larvae in standing water and disrupt the life cycle.
  • Misting Systems: Automatic, consistent coverage dispersing insecticide at intervals, covering larger areas; can be harmful to beneficial insects.

Partner with a Professional Pest Control Service

Getting rid of mosquitoes in Fort Lauderdale can be daunting. By partnering with a professional pest control service, you can manage your mosquito problem.

Some mosquito services provided by most pest control professionals include:



Initial Inspection

Check your property to find where mosquitoes are breeding and entering.

Customized Treatment Plan

Creates a plan just for your property, considering how bad the mosquito problem is.

Larvicide Treatments

Puts larvicide in standing water to stop mosquito larvae from turning into adults.

Barrier Sprays

Sprays insecticides regularly on bushes, lawns, and other areas where mosquitoes hang out.


Quick spray treatment to lower the number of adult mosquitoes.

Ongoing Monitoring

Comes back regularly to check if the treatments are working and to apply more as needed.

Mosquito Traps

Sets up and looks after mosquito traps to catch and kill mosquitoes.

When to Call a Professional in Fort Lauderdale

Sometimes, getting rid of mosquitoes in Fort Lauderdale requires more than just a few DIY tricks.

If the mosquitoes keep returning even after you’ve tried several home remedies, a professional pest control company (like us at Native Pest Management) can be more effective.

By hiring us, you can save time and stress. We can provide targeted solutions based on your property's specific needs. We also have access to stronger, more effective mosquito treatments for peace of mind.
