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How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Tallahassee, FL

Mosquitoes can be a real nuisance, especially in Tallahassee. To get rid of mosquitoes, removing standing water around your home is crucial. This can include bird baths, flower pots, and clogged gutters.

Curious about more ways to keep these pesky insects at bay? Keep reading to discover the best strategies for a mosquito-free summer.

Key Takeaways

  • Commercial pesticides and bug spray containing DEET can protect residents from mosquitoes in Tallahassee.
  • Spraying the yard, removing standing water, and trimming dense plants can decrease mosquito numbers.
  • Sealed entry points and mosquito-repellent plants in the home can help keep mosquitoes at bay.
  • Professional pest control services offer specialized treatments and support when mosquitoes become overwhelming.

How to Repel Adult Mosquitoes Effectively

Tallahassee residents can take several effective measures to repel adult mosquitoes. Here’s what you must do.

Apply Insect Repellent

Applying insect repellent is an essential step to avoiding mosquito bites. Choose a repellent that contains ingredients like DEET or lemon eucalyptus oil.

Use them on exposed skin and clothing to create a protective barrier against mosquitoes.

Spray Pesticides on Your Property

Spraying pesticides on your property can reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area. Here are some effective ways to use pesticides on your property:

  • Barrier Sprays: Apply to vegetation, exterior walls, and other areas where mosquitoes rest.
  • Foggers: Use in large outdoor areas or yards to reduce mosquito populations quickly.
  • Larvicides: Treat standing water to prevent larvae from maturing into adult mosquitoes.

Get Rid of Mosquito Breeding Sites

It's crucial to know how to spot common mosquito breeding grounds and act swiftly to get rid of them.

Inspect Your Yard Regularly

Inspecting your yard regularly is crucial to catching potential mosquito breeding sites early. As standing water is often a breeding ground, cover all areas where water can accumulate.

Look for common places where mosquito larvae can thrive. These areas often include gutters, birdbaths, and flowerpots.

Remove Potential Breeding Sites

Removing potential breeding sites can be effective in reducing mosquito populations. Any water, no matter how small the amount, can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Hence, identifying these spots around your yard can help disrupt their lifecycle.

Reduce Vegetation Around Your Home

Mosquitoes often seek shelter in dense vegetation around homes. Often, these pests can transmit diseases like Zika virus, Yellow fever, dengue, and West Nile virus. To make the environment less hospitable, thin out plants and trim bushes.

How to Prevent a Mosquito Intrusion

Minimizing mosquito intrusion into your home requires a blend of practical strategies. To enhance your living space's comfort and health, consider these strategies.

Grow Mosquito-Repellent Plants

Certain plants may help repel mosquitoes with their scent. These plants not only deter mosquitoes but also add beauty to your outdoor space.




citronella plant

Known for its strong mosquito-repellent properties.


lavender plant

Pleasant smelling and effective at deterring mosquitoes.


Easy to grow and keeps mosquitoes away.


Useful in cooking and repels mosquitoes.

Tighten Up Entry Points

Mosquitoes often find their way into homes through small openings. Ensuring that these entry points are sealed can reduce indoor mosquito populations.

Start by examining window and door screens for tears or gaps. Use weather stripping to seal door gaps and caulk to fill in cracks around windows and doors.

Work with Your Neighbors

Creating a mosquito-free environment often requires a collective effort within the community. You can coordinate community clean-up days to remove potential mosquito breeding sites.

Introduce Natural Predators

Natural predators offer an eco-friendly approach to managing mosquito populations in your yard. To reduce the number of mosquitoes, you can create a welcoming habitat for them. Note that it may take time to see results.

Work with Professional Pest Control Services

Working with pest control services in Tallahassee, Florida, can give you peace of mind. Targeting common species of mosquitoes, local companies in Leon County offer various services tailored to individual needs.

Here’s what homeowners like you can expect:

Mosquito Control Services



Initial assessment to identify mosquito breeding sites and infestation levels.

Treatment Plans

Customized plans, including larvicides and adulticides, to target mosquitoes.

Barrier Sprays

Application of barrier sprays around the property to repel mosquitoes.

Fogging Services

Fogging to cover large areas, targeting adult mosquitoes, fleas, termites, and other pests.

Larval Control

Treatments specifically aimed at killing mosquito larvae in standing water.

Maintenance Services

Regular follow-up visits to ensure the mosquito population remains under control.


Expert advice on preventing future infestations and long-term mosquito control strategies.


Many companies offer guarantees or warranties for their services to ensure effectiveness.

When to Call a Professional in Tallahassee

Sometimes, mosquitoes can get out of hand, and that's when calling a professional becomes necessary.

If swarms of mosquitoes are around the home despite using DIY methods, call a professional pest control company (like us at Native Pest Management) immediately.

As a company providing pest control services in Tallahassee, we can identify and tackle hidden breeding grounds. With access to specialized equipment and chemicals, our experts can handle your mosquito problems.
