America's Most Termite Infested Cities 2025
Termites are everywhere. They’re underground, in dead stumps, and even in the tops of living trees. But one place they definitely shouldn’t be is in the wooden structures of your home.
A major issue with termite infestations is their subtlety; one could be brewing in your home without you even knowing it. And, since termites cause billions of dollars of damage each year, it’s worth learning what to look for and what to do if termites strike.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the most termite-infested cities in the nation to help you assess your risk level and say goodbye to these annoying pests once and for all.
Key Takeaways
- The top five U.S. cities with the most termite-related searches monthly include Miami, New York City, Tampa, San Diego, and Dallas. Warm temperatures, consistent humidity, and damp or rotting wood and cellulose material attract the pests to these areas in droves.
- Based on search traffic results, the cities most interested in treating swarmer infestations include Miami, New York, San Diego, Atlanta, and Tampa.
- Termites are less common in remote areas, cold or excessively hot regions, arid climates, and places with less vegetation or forestation. Some of the least termite-infested cities in the U.S. include Spokane, Boise, Aurora, Toledo, and St. Paul.
- If you believe your home may be infested with termites, the best thing to do is call a pest control professional. Spotting signs of an infestation means it’s probably too late to take matters into your own hands.
America’s Most Termite Infested Cities
Termites are pesky but predictable little critters that love warm temperatures and moderate-to-high humidity.
These favorable conditions are ideal for feeding and reproducing, which is music to a termite’s ears. It’s no surprise, then, that our top five most termite-infested cities include:
1. Miami, FL
Monthly Termite Searches: 37,500
As one of the warmest and most humid states in the U.S., Florida is a hotspot for pests and critters of all kinds. But why are people in Miami more plagued by termites than people in other Florida cities?
It’s possible that hurricane conditions and their lasting impacts make it easier for bed bugs to spread. For instance, damp wood from trees and structures is an attractive hiding spot for termites. But it’s also possible that Miami is simply being hit by particularly high numbers of new species that are taking over the area.
2. New York City, NY
Monthly Termite Searches: 2,510
There’s a significant difference between termite problems in New York City and Miami. New York’s climate and the city’s dense urban landscape don’t necessarily attract termites. However, population and housing numbers are still much higher in NYC than in any other city, which means there are simply more opportunities for termites to strike and spread.
3. Tampa, FL
Monthly Termite Searches: 1,430
Tampa faces several of the same challenges as Miami, but it’s located further north. That means Tampa doesn’t get hit quite as hard with extreme weather conditions and can maintain a consistent defense against termites.
4. San Diego, CA
Monthly Termite Searches: 1,340
Termites get to enjoy the San Diego sun all year, which gives them a reason to consider reproducing and spreading through the area. There’s also plenty of wood – natural and structural – in San Diego for termites to feast on.
5. Dallas, TX
Monthly Termite Searches: 1,210
Rounding out our top five list is Dallas, which is also a hot city prone to humidity. Coupled with a significant population, these factors likely cause higher-than-average rates of termite infestations in the area.
Swarmer Alert!
There’s only one thing worse than termites: winged termites. These infamous pests are also known as “swarmers” due to their not-so-charming tendency to literally swarm homes, sometimes seemingly out of nowhere.
In most areas, springtime is swarmer season. It’s when large numbers of winged termites take flight from their (sometimes hidden) colonies into the air in search of a place to establish new colonies.
Once they’ve reached the outdoors, the swarmers drop to the ground, shed their wings, and start the hunt for a mate worthy of becoming the king or queen of a new colony. Yikes.
If you see swarmers in your home, odds are you’re looking at an advanced termite infestation. We know, bad news. But you’re not alone.
The cities where people are the most concerned about swarmers include:
1. Miami, FL
Monthly Swarmer Searches: 1,440
Miami takes the first spot on our list yet again due to its climate, proximity to the coast (and hurricanes), and large population. Swarmers seem to be becoming more common, too; new termite species in the area can fly under the radar until it’s too late.
2. New York City, NY
Monthly Swarmer Searches: 830
NYC doesn’t appear to have too severe of a swarmer problem. But the sheer size of the city means that there are a lot more houses and a lot more opportunities for swarmers to find a home.
3. San Diego, CA
Monthly Swarmer Searches: 460
Since San Diego isn’t only warm in the spring and summer, it’s possible for swarms to happen throughout a larger chunk of the year, resulting in a higher number of issues overall.
4. Atlanta, GA
Monthly Swarmer Searches: 410
The entertainment industry isn’t the only thing swarming Atlanta. Termites thrive in its welcoming climate and can easily spread to soil in nearby suburban and rural areas.
5. Tampa, FL
Monthly Swarmer Searches: 350
Favorable temperatures and plenty of material to feed on keep termites in Tampa happy, so much so that they tend to swarm the area to create new generations.
America’s Least Termite Infested Cities
Termites can be found in every state in the U.S. except for Alaska. However, cities like those below tend to have fewer termite infestations across the board:
1. Spokane, WA
Monthly Termite Searches: 70
Termites don’t fare well in colder weather, and much of the Pacific Northwest experiences cool seasons throughout the year. It’s not impossible for termites to show up, but it’s not as easy for them to survive long enough to efficiently spread.
2. Boise, ID
Monthly Termite Searches: 70
Not only does Boise have a lower population than many other cities out there, but it is also surrounded by land that’s sometimes sparsely populated. Termites can’t trek great lengths, so it’s hard for them to reach areas like Boise in large numbers.
3. Aurora, CO
Monthly Termite Searches: 70
The same traits that keep areas like Boise safe protect Aurora: fewer people, varying weather, and more space between homes and communities.
4. Toledo, OH
Monthly Termite Searches: 90
As a landlocked state with a pretty mild climate – but plenty of snow, ice, and cold temperatures to go around – Ohio isn’t a prime spot for termite infestations. That’s good news for folks in Toledo!
5. St. Paul, MN
Monthly Termite Searches: 90
This mid-sized city is removed from many termite-heavy areas, which is likely why residents in the area deal with fewer infestations.
Termite Troubles? Here’s What to Do
If you’re worried you have a termite problem, the first step is to determine the most appropriate way to get termites out of your house. Keep your eyes peeled for subtle cues like these to discover a growing problem early.
Mud Tubes: Look for brown tubes that extend over foundation walls, floor joists, support piers, etc., and have the diameter of a pencil.
Outdoor Swarmers: If you see swarmers or other termites outdoors – near tree stumps, wood piles, etc. – there may not necessarily be an issue. Look for swarmers near your foundation and your porch or patio; if you see them there, they’ve likely found their way into your home.
Termite Damage: Termite-damaged wood is usually hollowed along the grain, giving it a distinct look compared to other types of insect damage.
Termite Removal Tactics
It’s generally not a good idea to treat a home termite infestation yourself. If the termites have already made your house their home, you’ll need a professional with special skills to eliminate the problem with the right pesticides and prevention or control tactics.
So, the best thing to do if you see signs of an active infestation is to call a pest control professional. DIY options are unlikely to successfully target the infestation at its source, and the kind of pesticides your home may need are potentially dangerous when handled by someone without the right expertise.
Termite Removal Tactics
It’s generally not a good idea to treat a home termite infestation yourself. If the termites have already made your house their home, you’ll need a professional with special skills to eliminate the problem with the right pesticides and prevention or control tactics.
So, the best thing to do if you see signs of an active infestation is to call a pest control professional. DIY options are unlikely to successfully target the infestation at its source, and the kind of pesticides your home may need are potentially dangerous when handled by someone without the right expertise.
- Keep soil near your home’s foundation dry through proper drainage and grading.
- Keep up with maintenance for gutters or downspouts where wet leaves, wood, etc. may accumulate.
- Fill openings in your home’s structure or foundation with cement, grout, or caulk.
- Avoid piling or storing firewood or any wood debris next to your home.
- Keep shrubs and trees away from your home; don’t let them grow next to your house, especially if it has any exposed wood surfaces.
- Periodically check your home for termites to ensure colonies don’t grow. Use a flathead screwdriver or similar tool to gently tap and probe exposed wood for hollow spots.
A Look at Our Methodology
To find cities that show the most interest in eliminating termite infestations, we analyzed the search volume for termite infestation-related queries throughout the U.S.
After collecting data for several key search phrases by city, we totaled our figures together to see how each area stacked up. Our data gave us an estimate of the total number of termite searches in each city per month, which revealed the areas that likely experience the most widespread infestations.
Our data gives us a reasonable estimate of where termite issues are the most common but remember: termites can be anywhere.
So all this to say, don’t hesitate to call in the pros if you believe termites may be lurking in your home.