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Spider building a web

Common House Spiders in Florida

Have you ever glanced around your Florida home and noticed a spider lurking in a corner? It's a shared experience, given the variety of house spiders at home in our warm, humid climate. The good news? Most of these spiders are completely harmless to us and play a vital role in keeping pesky insects in check.

But how do you tell which spiders are uninvited houseguests and which might pose a threat? Understanding and identifying the common types of spiders in Florida homes is critical. So, learn how to distinguish friend from foe and explore practical tips for keeping your encounters with them to a minimum.

Key Takeaways

  • Most house spiders in Florida are non-threatening and serve as natural pest controllers by feeding on common household insects.
  • Accurately identifying house spiders is crucial for homeowners to ease fears and implement effective spider management strategies.
  • Implementing preventative measures can significantly reduce the presence of spiders in Florida homes.

What Are Common House Spiders in Florida?

Florida's warm climate is home to various common house spiders, ranging from the harmless American house spider to the venomous black widow.

Common Spider Species

Identifying these spiders and understanding their habits are crucial to coexisting with them.

Common Name


Common House Spider

Typically dark brown or grey with a patterned abdomen

Southern House Spider

Females are large and black, while males appear more brown

Brown Recluse Spider

Recognizable by the violin-shaped mark on its back

Black Widow Spider

Known for the red hourglass shape on the underside of its abdomen

Banana Spider

Not typically a house spider but is known for its sizable golden web

Cellar Spider

(Daddy Long Legs)

Slender body with long legs, often found in ceilings or corners

Jumping Spider

Small and stocky with noticeable jumping behavior

Wolf Spider

Robust, fast, and hunts prey on the ground

Crab Spider

Known for their crab-like walking style

Yellow Garden Spiders

Not common house spiders but are often found in gardens

Spiny-Backed Orb Weaver Spider

Known as crab spiders because of their shape

Sac Spider

Consists of over 500 species worldwide

American House Spider

Similar to the domestic house spider, it weaves cobwebs in domestic locations

Domestic House Spider

Spin funnel webs, often found in dark and moist areas of homes

Habitats and Behaviors

As arthropods in the class Arachnida, the different species of spiders share similar habitats and behaviors.

Indoor Environments

Most house spiders prefer quiet, undisturbed areas within homes, such as corners, closets, or seldom-used areas. They tend to avoid human interaction and retreat when disturbed.

Feeding Habits

These spiders feed on insects and other small pests and help control their populations. The web-weaving species catch their prey in silk traps, while the hunting spiders actively pursue their prey.

Web Types

Webs can range from the organized orb webs of the yellow garden spider to the chaotic cobwebs of the common house spider and the dense, funnel-shaped webs of the domestic house spider.

Venom Potency

While most house spiders are harmless to humans, species like the black widow and brown recluse possess venom that can cause significant harm, warranting caution and professional control if found indoors.

Common House Spider Anatomy

These arachnids in Florida come in many shapes and sizes. You can differentiate species by examining their legs, body shape, and markings.

Spider Anatomy

Spiders have a two-part body: the cephalothorax and the abdomen.

Identification often begins with these body structures, followed by observing the silk-spun webs used for hunting, shelter, and mating.

  • Legs: Each of the eight legs is composed of seven segments. The difference in leg length and whether the spider has spines can indicate the species.
  • Cephalothorax: A hardened outer shell protecting the spider’s internal organs and serves as the attachment point for the legs. The eyes are located on this part, providing vital identification cues.
  • Abdomen: The back part is soft and often contains the silk-spinning organs known as spinnerets.

Markings and Body Shape

Spiders' markings and body shapes can be distinctive and essential for proper species identification.

They can also serve as camouflage, helping spiders blend into their surroundings to avoid predators or to catch prey.

  • Body Shape: From the orb-weavers with their rounded abdomens to the cellar spider's slender build, the outline of a spider's body is a crucial feature.
  • Markings: Patterns such as stripes, bands, or spots on a spider's body can help distinguish between species. Coloration can range from vivid yellows and reds to muted browns and grays, often corresponding to habitat and behavior.

Some Common

Florida House Spiders


Web Type

Brown Recluse

Dark violin-shaped mark

Irregular silk webs

Black Widow

Red hourglass on abdomen

Tangled cobwebs

Wolf Spider

Stripes or radiating lines

Ground webs

Are House Spiders Dangerous?

In Florida, human encounters with house spiders range from harmless sightings to rare, medically significant bites. 

Bites and Health Risks

Most house spiders in Florida are harmless to humans and not naturally aggressive. They typically bite if they feel threatened.

Spider bites may cause minor symptoms such as swelling, redness, or mild pain. 

Spider Type


Bite Pain Level

Medical Risk

Common House Spider




Black Widow




Brown Recluse




While terms like 'poisonous spiders' and 'venomous spiders' are often used interchangeably in casual conversation, there's a fundamental difference. Spiders are venomous spiders because they inject venom through bites.

Understanding this distinction can aid in accurately identifying and responding to encounters with dangerous spiders that require medical attention.

What Are Effective Prevention Strategies for Spiders in Florida?

Effective prevention and control of house spiders in Florida aims to create environments that are less appealing or accessible to spiders.

Managing Spiders in the Home

Here is a checklist for keeping your home clean.

  • Regular Cleaning: Regular vacuuming and dusting can help remove spiders, webs, and egg sacs from corners, closets, and under furniture.
  • Reducing Clutter: Cluttered storage areas like attics, basements, and garages offer ideal hiding spots for spiders. Organizing and decluttering these spaces can discourage spiders from settling in.
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect and seal cracks, crevices, crawlspaces, or gaps in walls, door frames, and window screens to prevent spiders from entering the home.
  • Maintain Outdoor Areas: Trimming shrubs and clearing debris from the house's exterior, especially near man-made structures, can reduce spider populations.
  • Control Moisture: Moisture attracts spiders, so fixing leaks and using dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements is essential.
  • Store Items Properly: Use airtight plastic storage containers rather than cardboard boxes to keep spiders out of clothing, decorations, and other stored items.

Professional Pest Control Service Options

When DIY methods fail, professional pest control services can offer more targeted and practical solutions to eliminate Florida spiders.

Here’s how you can benefit from a professional pest treatment company.

1. Inspection and Assessment

Professional exterminators conduct thorough inspections to pinpoint specific spider issues, mainly focusing on high-risk areas such as garages and sheds. This initial step is crucial for developing a targeted approach to spider management.

2. Custom Treatment Plans

Based on the initial assessment, pest control experts design custom treatment plans. These may include a strategic mix of insecticides, traps, and preventive techniques, each chosen to suit the specific spider problem and the home's environment.

3. Follow-Up Services

To maintain control over spider populations, professional services often include regular follow-up treatments. These recurring services are essential to managing emerging issues, ensuring spiders don’t become a recurring problem.

4. Guaranteed Results

Many pest control companies offer guarantees with their services, assuring homeowners that their spider issues will be effectively resolved.

This guarantee underscores the expertise and confidence of professional pest control services in managing spider infestations.

5. Other Benefits

Professional spider exterminators also offer advice on long-term prevention strategies for homes and other man-made structures, ensuring they remain out of the house once the spiders are controlled.