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wasp nest with wasps

8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Wasps in Florida

Florida wasps are more than a buzzkill during your summer barbecues, they can be a hazard, too.

When it comes to getting rid of wasps, we always recommend calling the professionals. But if you’re looking for some simple, temporary solution to keep these stinging creatures away, keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • Natural methods, such as essential oils, vinegar sprays, and citrus extracts, can repel and control wasp populations without harming the environment.
  • Regularly upkeep your property, control other insect populations, and ensure food sources may keep wasps away.
  • If DIY methods fail or there’s a risk of wasp stings, it’s wise to contact professional pest control services to handle the problem efficiently and safely.
  • Professional exterminators use a combination of expertise, specialized equipment, and effective methods to prevent future infestations safely.

How to Get Rid of Wasps in Florida Naturally

Controlling wasp populations naturally in Florida involves various methods that protect the environment and prevent wasps from nesting and foraging in undesired areas.

1. Essential Oils

Essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and citronella contain compounds that wasps find unappealing.

They are praised for their effectiveness in preventing wasps from establishing residences near homes.

To keep wasps at bay, here’s how to effectively use these natural wasp repellents:

  • Peppermint Oil: Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and mist around eaves and overhangs.
  • Eucalyptus Oil: Dilute with water and spray onto surfaces where wasps may build nests.
  • Citronella: Place citronella candles around the patio to prevent wasps from invading social spaces.

2. Vinegar Spray

Vinegar's pungent odor disrupts the wasp's ability to detect pheromones, discouraging them from visiting sprayed areas.

To create an effective vinegar spray as a natural remedy, follow these simple steps:




Combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

Add Soap

Add a few drops of dish soap to enhance the mixture's effectiveness.


Spray liberally around potential nesting sites and food sources.

3. Citrus Extracts

Citrus extracts are potent in keeping wasps at bay because they contain d-limonene, a natural insecticide.

You can harness the power of these natural citrus extracts to safeguard your outdoor spaces against pesky insects:

  • Lemon Extract: Soak cotton balls and place them strategically around the yard.
  • Orange Peel: Boil peels in water, cool, and pour into a sprayer for application.
  • Grapefruit Extract: Mix with water for a spray solution to deter various stinging insects.

4. Wasp Traps

DIY wasp traps fashioned from everyday household items can reduce wasp populations sustainably and harmlessly.

Here's how you can easily create effective wasp traps using items you probably already have at home:



Cut Bottle

Slice the top off of a plastic bottle to create a funnel.


Fill the bottom with sugar water or fruit juice to attract wasps.


Invert the top into the bottom part to create an entry point.


Situate traps away from frequented areas to lure wasps.

5. Herbs and Plants

Certain plants, including herbs, naturally repel wasps due to their aromatic properties. Consider incorporating these herbs and plants into your garden:

  • Basil: Plant basil near patios to repel wasps and enhance food flavor.
  • Mint: Scatter mint plants around the garden to keep wasps distant.
  • Lavender: Use lavender bushes for the dual purpose of beauty and wasp deterrence.
  • Geranium: Plant geraniums in pots or garden beds as their bright blooms add color and help deter wasps from the area.

6. Soap and Water Solution

A simple soap and water solution can suffocate and kill wasps, providing an efficient control strategy. Here’s a closer look at how to create an effective solution to combat wasps safely and quickly:




Blend a generous squirt of dish soap with water in a sprayer.


Ensure the solution is well mixed.


Spray directly onto wasps and nests for immediate effect.

7. Barriers and Decoys

Wasps typically avoid areas where they perceive other wasps have already established territories, making fake nests (decoys) an effective deterrent.

Similarly, barriers physically prevent wasps from accessing specific areas, reducing the likelihood of encounters and nest building in those spots.

Here’s how you can use barriers and decoys:

  • Brown Paper Bags: Mimic enemy nests by hanging inflated brown paper bags around the home.
  • Netting: Install fine netting to protect fruit trees and other attractants.
  • Wasp Decoys: Place commercial decoys to deter new wasps from nesting.

8. Natural Predators

Natural predators are crucial in controlling wasp populations by maintaining ecological balance and reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

They target wasps at various stages of their lifecycle, from larvae to adults, thus providing a natural form of pesticides.

Here’s how you can encourage them to control wasp numbers effectively:

Natural Predators

Strategies to Attract


Set up bird feeders and provide nesting boxes.

Beneficial Insects

Cultivate flowers and plants that support predator insects.

Frogs and Toads

Create a garden pond to encourage amphibian predators.

Professional Wasp Control Solutions

While you can try the DIY approach, contacting a pest control company is highly advisable, especially during peak wasp activity in late summer.

Here's why a pest control expert is your best option:

  1. Expertise and Equipment: Professionals are equipped with the necessary protective clothing and have the expertise to handle wasp nests safely.

  2. Effective Methods: Exterminators use a combination of proven techniques to address your specific wasp problem and target the specific type of wasps.

  3. Safe Nest Removal: Professionals implement strategic removal techniques without agitating the wasps, reducing the risk of stinger attacks.

  4. Correct Identification: While you may mistake them for vital pollinators like honeybees and carpenter bees, experts can correctly identify them as wasps.

How to Prevent Future Wasp Infestations

Species of wasps, such as yellow jackets and bald-faced hornets, pose risks to those allergic to their stings.

To keep them away after a successful elimination, you must address the factors that attract them to your property.

Here are some practical prevention strategies to guide you:



Secure Food Sources

Ensure trash cans and garbage cans are sealed with lids. Use plastic bags to contain food waste securely.

Remove Potential Nest Sites

Regularly inspect and eliminate hornet nests and other insect habitats, including old mud dauber and carpenter bee dwellings.

Limit Insect Populations

Control other insects, such as caterpillars, termites, roaches, and bed bugs, to reduce wasps' food sources.

Landscape Wisely

Keep gardens free from blossoms at dawn to discourage wasp activity.

Regular Maintenance

Keep building exteriors repaired, sealing cracks or crevices that might serve as inviting nesting spots for paper wasps.

Proper Disposal of Dead Insects

Dispose of dead wasps and insects promptly in sealed plastic bags to avoid attracting live wasps.

When to Consider Calling in the Wasp Experts

Sometimes, your battle with Florida wasps needs reinforcements. Not everyone's a DIY champ, and that's more than okay! So calling in professional pest control companies (like us, here at Native Pest Management) is the smart move.

If home remedies aren't cutting it or there’s a sign of wasp stings, we can offer more effective solutions. Remember, there's no shame in calling in the experts. Our job is to ensure homes stay wasp-free so you can enjoy sunny Florida life without the sting.
