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What Eats Termites in Florida?

Termites are a big problem in Florida's humid climate, but understanding their natural enemies can save homes and money.

Ants, woodpeckers, and other wildlife help control these pests by attacking and eating termite colonies.

Ever wondered which of these predators has the most significant impact on controlling termite populations? Keep reading and learn how nature helps prevent these pests from taking over.

Key Takeaways

  • Various native animals in Florida, including amphibians, birds, insects, mammals, and reptiles, naturally control termite populations by feeding on them.
  • Beneficial nematodes can be introduced into termite colonies as biological control agents to manage termite problems effectively.
  • Creating habitats suitable for these predators, such as gardens with native plants and minimal pesticide use, can enhance natural termite control.
  • While natural predator methods offer an eco-friendly option, professional termite control services are sometimes necessary to handle severe infestations.

Native Termite Predators in Florida

termite predators

In Florida's diverse ecosystems, various native predators are crucial in controlling populations of different types of termites, such as the Formosan subterranean termites.

These predators range from amphibians to reptiles, each with unique hunting methods. They feed on different species of termites, including drywood termites and dampwood termites.


Amphibians in Florida are known to eat termites at night, capitalizing on their abundance. Some species that use sticky tongues to capture their prey include:

  • Southern Toad: Hunts in damp habitats near termite-infested logs.
  • American Green Tree Frog: Waits in vegetation for winged termites to pass by.
  • Eastern Spadefoot: Digs in the soil, emerging to feast on termites after rains.


Birds are significant in termite population management, with many species feeding on flying termites. Here are some of them:

Bird Species

Diet Behavior

Eastern Bluebird

Forages on the ground for termites

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Digs into wooden structures to find termites

Northern Flicker

Pounds into the soil to catch termites


Various insect species are natural predators of termites, with some specializing in termite hunting. Consider the following insects that have developed specialized tactics to prey on termite swarmers:

  • Ants: Aggressively invade termite colonies, overpowering them with sheer numbers.
  • Assassin Bugs: Use piercing mouthparts to inject lethal saliva into termites.
  • Entomopathogenic Beetles: Larvae and adults target termite nests, feeding on inhabitants.


Certain mammals in Florida have adapted to eating termites as a diet. These include:

Mammal Species

How They Eat Termites


Uses its long, sticky tongues to collect termites from their mounds


Utilize its elongated, sticky tongues to slurp up termites from their colonies.

Indian Mongoose

Actively digs into termite mounds to extract and eat termites.

Nine-Banded Armadillo

Digs up termite nests to capture and eat worker termites.

Eastern Mole

Locates and consumes termites in their underground networks.


Reptiles regularly include termites in their diets, with some lizards and snakes being opportunistic feeders. Some species that you can see in Florida include:

Reptile Species

Environmental Role

Eastern Glass Lizard

Predators in forest and grassland ecosystems

Northern Scarlet Snake

Assist in the control of termite numbers

Six-lined Racerunner

Promotes balance within their habitats

How to Use Natural Predators as Termite Control

In Florida, employing natural predators can be an effective and eco-friendly strategy to manage termite populations.

To attract these beneficial predators, create a welcoming habitat that meets the predators’ needs by doing the following:

  • Maintain a garden with native plant species to provide shelter and alternative food sources for birds and predatory insects.
  • Install a water source, like a birdbath, to attract insect-eating birds.
  • Reduce pesticide usage to ensure beneficial predators are not harmed.
  • Create a compost pile or wood mulch area that can attract ants that compete with termites for cellulose-rich material.
  • Place decaying logs or stumps tactfully around the property, which serve as nesting sites for predatory insects and as bait for termites.

Incorporating natural predators into a pest management plan requires strategic planning. Here’s how you can achieve success:

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the chosen predators will not become invasive or disruptive.
  • Habitat Continuity: Provide a steady and sustainable habitat for the predators.
  • Monitoring: Regularly check for the presence of termite predators and termite activity.
  • Adjacent Areas: Consider how nearby wooden structures might impact termite food sources.
  • Timing: Align the introduction of predators with the reproductive cycle of termites to prevent new colonies.

Professional Termite Control Services

Given Florida's high humidity, termites thrive, often going unnoticed until substantial property damage occurs. That’s why professional termite control services are vital.

As homeowners in Florida, don't risk your property to a termite infestation. Professional termite inspectors offer many benefits, including:

  • Specialized Tools: They have the knowledge and equipment for a comprehensive termite inspection.
  • Expertise: They can identify entry points, locate hidden nests in the attics and windowsills, and assess the extent of the termite damage.
  • Local Knowledge: They know the signs of a termite infestation common in your area, including mud tubes, termite droppings, and swarmers.
  • Targeted Treatment: They understand that different termite castes (workers, soldiers, and alates) target different areas.
  • Accurate Identification: Professionals can distinguish between termite antennae and those of ants or cockroaches.

When to Opt for Professional Help

Dealing with termites can sometimes be a tricky affair. These critters are not just a nuisance—they can also cause extensive structural damage.

So, if you’re feeling tired of endless DIY efforts, it might be time to call a professional pest control company (like us, here at Native Pest Management).

A professional touch, like ours, can turn the tide in this buggy battle!
