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What to Know About Relocating Carpenter Bees in Florida

Moving carpenter bees in Florida? It’s a balancing act! These solo flyers are crucial pollinators, but boy, do they love munching through our wooden homes and decks.

Our mission? Relocate them without a fuss or harm with the help of the pros. Steps like sealing wood or opting for tougher hardwoods can keep your structures safe.

Stay tuned to learn the nifty tricks for handling these busy bees without disrupting their natural vibe. Keep reading to learn how to do this right in the Sunshine State!

Key Takeaways

  • Pest control professionals follow a careful process that includes identification, preparation, and safe handling for relocating carpenter bees without harm.
  • Relocating carpenter bees helps maintain ecological balance and avoids the environmental risks associated with pesticides.
  • Natural deterrents like essential oils and physical barriers effectively reduce carpenter bee infestations without harming the bees.
  • Protecting wooden structures with paint, varnish, and carpenter bee traps prevents damage and deters carpenter bees from nesting.
  • Seeking professional help is necessary when using DIY methods to eliminate carpenter bees or prevent them from nesting in difficult-to-reach areas.

How Do Professionals Relocate Carpenter Bees?

carpenter bee relocation

Relocating bees is a delicate process that ensures the safety of both the bees and humans. It strictly involves specialized knowledge and equipment that only trained professionals possess.

Here’s an insight into how they safely relocate carpenter bees without harming them, the carpenter bees, and the people around them.

Step 1: Professional Assessment

Trained experts start by correctly identifying these solitary bees from other household pests like bed bugs and termites.

Then, they distinguish the carpenter bees from other species like bumblebees, wasps, and hornets. Typically, they stand out due to these features:

  • The female carpenter bees usually have a shiny abdomen.
  • The male carpenter bees usually have a more hairy thorax.

Here’s a closer look at telltale signs of their activity that professionals look for around your property:

Sign of Carpenter Bee Activity



Piles indicate drilling into wood.

Buzzing Noises

Consistent noise inside wood structures.

Visible Holes

Round entry holes are about 1/2 inch in size.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Tools

Professionals prepare by gathering all necessary tools and safety equipment, including:

  • Bee box: To house the bees during relocation.
  • Protective clothing: To prevent stings during the process.
  • Smoke: To calm the bees and facilitate safer handling.

Step 3: Suit Up for Safety

Safety is paramount. So, professionals wear suit up for safety with these essential safety gear during the bee relocation process:

Safety Equipment


Bee suit

Full-body protection.


Thick to prevent bee stingers.

Face protection

Veil or mask to protect head and neck.

Step 4: Calming the Bees

Before relocation, experts follow these steps to approach the task calmly, ensuring more manageable carpenter bees:

  1. Apply a light amount of smoke to the nest area.

  2. Wait for a few minutes for bees to become more docile.

Step 5: Safe Capture

Using their expertise, professionals carefully capture the bees. Here’s a close look at the steps on how they avoid harm:



Locate Nests

Identify active tunnels carpenter bees are using.

Apply Smoke

Lightly smoke the entrance to calm bees.


Allow bees to settle for a short period.

Capture Using a Bee Box

Carefully place the box at the entrance to let bees enter.

Step 6: Secure Transportation

With the bees safely captured, the next step is transporting them to their new home. Here’s how experts ensure their journey is as stress-free as possible:

  • Secure the bee box: Ensure it's closed and ventilated.
  • Gentle movement: Avoid jostling to minimize stress on the bees.
  • Shade: Keep the bees calm and out of direct sunlight.

Step 7: Release the Bees in Their New Home

At the new location, professionals carefully release the bees, ensuring:

Best Practice for Release

Site Preparation

Prior Habitat Assessment

Ensure plenty of wood for nest making.

Gradual Release

Open the bee box and allow bees to exit at their own pace.

Monitor Interaction

Watch how bees initially react to the new surroundings.

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust

After relocation, professionals monitor the bees, specifically keeping an eye on the following aspects:

  1. Nest site activity: Check for new carpenter bee holes.

  2. Bee behavior: Observe normal foraging and nesting.

  3. Habitat suitability: Make changes to the environment if necessary.

Why Relocate Carpenter Bees Instead of Killing Them?

Carpenter bees, like their more famous relatives, the honeybees, are crucial pollinators in Florida’s ecosystem.

Here's why conservation through bee removal and relocation is essential:

  • Ecological Balance: Carpenter bees maintain a healthy ecosystem by pollinating many native plants.
  • Avoid Chemicals: Insecticides and pesticides can contaminate soil and water, posing risks to other larvae, beehives, and beekeepers.
  • Benefit Agriculture: These bees help increase the productivity of fruit and vegetable crops through pollination.
  • Natural Pest Control: They play a role in natural pest management by controlling plant-damaging insect populations.

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

Safe and Natural Deterrents

Implementing deterring strategies can significantly get rid of carpenter bee infestations. Here’s how to deploy them:

Natural Deterrents

Recommended Action

Essential Oils

Choose lemon, peppermint, or lavender scents. Mix oils with water in a spray bottle; spray exposed wood areas.

Decoy Nests

Construct or purchase false carpenter bee nests and hang them in visible areas. They will redirect bees from buildings and protect wooden surfaces.

Physical Barriers

Use fine mesh or netting to block eaves and potential nesting sites. Ensure barriers are properly secured to prevent bee access.

How to Prevent and Control Carpenter Bees

Protecting Wooden Structures

Wooden structures in Florida are highly susceptible to structural damage, so protection is paramount. This protection lies in maintaining structural integrity since these bees tunnel into the wood.

Here's a closer look at some prevention methods you can employ as homeowners:

  • Paint or Varnish: Seals untreated wood surfaces, making them less attractive to woodpeckers.
  • Hardwoods: Avoid soft woods and opt for denser woods, which are less preferred by carpenter bees.
  • Carpenter Bee Traps: Traps that mimic natural nesting sites.
  • Prompt Repair with Wood Putty: Fills in holes and prevents re-entry.
  • Pest control services: For expert identification and treatment.

When to Call a Professional for Carpenter Bee Relocation

Sometimes, a DIY approach doesn't cut it when bees decide to bunk in tough spots or when they return to the same spot, even after you’ve tried to shoo them away.

Calling in the bee exterminators might just be the smartest move. Professional pest control companies (like us, here at Native Pest Management) have the right gear to evict them safely. We've seen it all and know how to handle bees without harming them.
