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weevils on rice grains

Weevil Trouble? Here’s How to Get Rid of Them

House weevils, those tiny, dark beetles lurking in your pantry, are more than just a nuisance—they're a fast-spreading pest!

These critters love to munch on your grains, turning your food stash into waste. The key to battling these unwanted guests? Keep it clean and dry.

Want to learn more about these pesky creatures? Keep reading.

Key Takeaways

  • To combat house weevils in Florida, homeowners can use natural deterrents like bay leaves and diatomaceous earth or a combination of chemical and non-chemical methods.
  • Disposing of infested food in sealed bags and cleaning the pantry thoroughly are crucial steps in dealing with a weevil infestation.
  • Regular cleaning and smart storage solutions, such as airtight containers, prevent weevils from invading your home.
  • Signs of a weevil infestation include visible weevils, damaged food packages, and larvae or pupae in food products.
  • If DIY methods fail to control a weevil problem, it's wise to consider professional pest control services to reclaim your home from these pests.

How to Get Rid of House Weevils

As homeowners in Florida, dealing with a weevil infestation can be a headache. Here are two main options you can explore as weevil repellents:

  • natural solutions that deter these pests
  • a mix of chemical treatments and non-chemical methods

DIY Options for Weevil Control

Certain natural ingredients can repel weevils without harsh chemicals. Bay leaves, for instance, are a natural deterrent.

Here's how to use them effectively:

  1. Place whole bay leaves in pantry containers where grain products are stored.

  2. Replace the bay leaves every month for continuous protection against weevils.

Another method involves diatomaceous earth, which is a natural and safe option to get rid of weevils:

  1. Sprinkle a thin layer of food-grade diatomaceous earth around areas where weevils are present.

  2. Wait for a few days and observe the decline in the weevil population as they come into contact with the substance, which is lethal to them.

Other Solutions

Here’s a look at some chemical and non-chemical solutions you can utilize:





Effective at killing weevils on contact.

Can be harmful if not used according to label instructions.

Insecticide Sprays

Target specific areas and offer quick results.

May require multiple applications to be effective.

Pheromone Traps

Non-toxic and lure weevils using attractants.

Should be used as part of an integrated approach.

Airtight Containers

Prevent weevils from reaching food sources.

Do not address existing infestations.

Dealing with an Infestation

When house weevils infiltrate, it is essential to prioritize the proper disposal of tainted foods and execute thorough cleaning techniques to regain control of your pantry.

Safe Disposal of Contaminated Food

Contaminated food becomes a breeding ground for weevils and needs to be discarded swiftly.

Sealed bags are paramount when disposing of infested products to prevent weevils from migrating to other food sources.

For instance:

  1. Inspect all food items, especially stored grains.

  2. Place infested food in a sealable bag.

  3. Seal the bag tightly and remove it from the home immediately.

  4. Clean the storage space meticulously to eliminate any remaining eggs or weevils hiding in crevices.

Preventing House Weevil Infestations

Proper sanitation and smart storage solutions are crucial for keeping your home free from weevils.

Sanitation and Kitchen Habits

As pantry pests, house weevils will target your kitchen. Here are good habits for keeping your cooking area clean:

Recommended Action


Regular Cleaning

Weevils thrive in crumbs and food remnants. Wipe down kitchen surfaces with white vinegar and sweep floors daily.

Immediate Spill Response

Clean up food spills, especially grains and flour, as soon as they occur.

Grocery Inspection

Examine food packages for signs of weevils before placing them in your pantry.

Disposal of Infested Products

Discard any food items that show evidence of weevils to prevent them from spreading.

Storage Solutions to Keep Weevils Away

The proper storage methods are essential to prevent weevils from infesting food sources. Here’s a closer look at a comparison of the different storage methods:

Storage Method


Suitable for

Airtight Containers

Highly Effective

Grain Products, Dry Goods

Plastic Containers

Moderately Effective

Non-perishable Items

Sealed Containers

Highly Effective

Almost All Food Items


Highly Effective for Susceptible Foods

Fresh Produce, Dairy Products

Signs of a Weevil Infestation

signs of a weevil infestaation

A weevil infestation in your home can cause concern, especially regarding the integrity of your stored food products.

Here are some signs that may indicate the presence of weevils in your living spaces:

  • Visible Weevils: The most obvious sign of an infestation is seeing the weevils themselves, either crawling on surfaces or within food products.
  • Damaged Food Packages: Weevils feed on or chew through cardboard and thin plastic to access food.
  • Weevil Droppings: Usually dark brown or black and very small, they might be found in a scattered pattern or clumps.
  • Presence of Larvae and Pupae: Besides adult weevils, your food products might contain larvae (small, legless, white grubs) or pupae.
  • Unexplained Powder or Dust: As weevils eat through grain kernels or other foods, they can leave behind a fine, flour-like powder.
  • Off Smells: Infested food products can start to smell musty or off due to the presence of weevils and their waste products.
  • Decreased Quality of Stored Foods: Infested foods may appear discolored, degraded, or contaminated.

Is It Time to Call the Experts?

Dealing with a weevil infestation in your home can be quite a headache. These little critters enjoy making their way into pantries and closets, turning a cozy home into their personal buffet.

While you may be inclined to attempt do-it-yourself measures, sometimes the situation calls for professional pest control companies (like us, Native Pest Management).

In these cases, reaching out to us wouldn’t be an overreaction. It means taking back your sweet abode from the jaws of stubborn squatters.
